
My Pledge to You

You are going to notice a change in tone in these blog posts.

The Business Owners Success Club started as an offline, monthly business improvement club with a number of local businesses. Over 3 years I amassed several binders and many mgs of info about various topics of interest to small business owners.
This blog was bits and pieces of info that I thought would be interesting to small business owners. It was roughly put together with a monthly theme.

Now here is the confession, I gathered the info, and ran the club and I didn’t engage in the monthly process myself. Sure, I took on some of the best practices and I have continually improved my business, but I didn’t put the effort into continual, monthly incremental improvement.

That’s the change you are going to see. I pledge to work on one aspect of growing my business every month and tell you about it. You are not going to get several generic posts talking about a topic and the resources to go with them. You are going to get to follow along with me. There is plenty of info about what to do and even about how to do it. What most people really need though are examples and inspiration.

I hope that by seeing my triumphs, challenges and mistakes, you will be inspired and encouraged.

My business, Crystal Clear Bookkeeping Ltd. has grown and changed over the years to suit my needs. Now my needs are for it to grow and become a Business.

Let the games begin…

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